I could stop here with metamorphosis, butI thought I'd give her kitty ears. :D
So I found a suitable source, used a mask to cut the ears out. I don't bother keeping fur when masking, I just add it later. There are a couple of excellent tutorials on fur on Worth, so I won't go into detail here, I'll just say that I used a combination of Smudge Tool and painting, both with a hair brush.
Now, that her ears are nice and fluffy, I need to adjust the colour. Exposure make the ears nice and bright, Color Balance (Normal blending mode) took care of general colouring. I didn't like the colour of the skin inside the ears, so I used Levels, Screen mode to lighten it up, and make it soft pink. Finally, I painted some colour variations on a separate Color layer with a hair brush.
Finally, I want to enhance her eyes, lips and hair. Make a stamp layer, then go to Filter - Other - High Pass, choose a low value, just when you can see fine embossed lines. Turn the High Pass layer to Vivid Light, decrease opacity to about 75%. Add mask to hide all, paint to reveal the eyes and lips, sparingly reveal some hair.
All done! :)
I could stop here with metamorphosis, butI thought I'd give her kitty ears. :D
So I found a suitable source, used a mask to cut the ears out. I don't bother keeping fur when masking, I just add it later. There are a couple of excellent tutorials on fur on Worth, so I won't go into detail here, I'll just say that I used a combination of Smudge Tool and painting, both with a hair brush.
Now, that her ears are nice and fluffy, I need to adjust the colour. Exposure make the ears nice and bright, Color Balance (Normal blending mode) took care of general colouring. I didn't like the colour of the skin inside the ears, so I used Levels, Screen mode to lighten it up, and make it soft pink. Finally, I painted some colour variations on a separate Color layer with a hair brush.
Accessorizing - YAY! :D I decided to go with some face and hair decorations. I used a bunch of rhinestones for the face and plastic flowers for the hair. Of course, they need some shading, slightly increased Exposure, and glow on a separate layer. I also added a little colour to her eyebrows and eyelashes to match the hair (Color layer). And, of course, I couldn't resist the urge to sprinkle some glitter around the eyes and on the lips. ;)
STEP 15Accessorizing - YAY! :D I decided to go with some face and hair decorations. I used a bunch of rhinestones for the face and plastic flowers for the hair. Of course, they need some shading, slightly increased Exposure, and glow on a separate layer. I also added a little colour to her eyebrows and eyelashes to match the hair (Color layer). And, of course, I couldn't resist the urge to sprinkle some glitter around the eyes and on the lips. ;)
Almost done. Some final tweaks left.
Use Levels to darken her right human ear, so it's not visible.
Her left eyebrow has a weird angular shadow closer to the nose bridge, so I used Levels and a tiny (about 2 px) brush, pressure opacity, to lighten the area and fix that.
And shrink her left shoulder to make the body look much smaller.
Almost done. Some final tweaks left.
Use Levels to darken her right human ear, so it's not visible.
Her left eyebrow has a weird angular shadow closer to the nose bridge, so I used Levels and a tiny (about 2 px) brush, pressure opacity, to lighten the area and fix that.
And shrink her left shoulder to make the body look much smaller.
Finally, I want to enhance her eyes, lips and hair. Make a stamp layer, then go to Filter - Other - High Pass, choose a low value, just when you can see fine embossed lines. Turn the High Pass layer to Vivid Light, decrease opacity to about 75%. Add mask to hide all, paint to reveal the eyes and lips, sparingly reveal some hair.
All done! :)
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