I'm now adding a little shape to the bottle by creating a new layer set to multiply and using a brown (basically a darker tone of the sand) and painting in some shading. I've made a clipping mask so that the brown doesn't go outside the shape of the bottle (For more on clipping masks, see Shorra's tutorial on the subject)
Now I'm going to turn on the layer which is the copy of the bottle and set its blending mode to Screen which causes it to be slightly transparent. As a mnemonic device, I like to think about the multiply and screen modes as yin and yan. Multiply basically drops out all white out of your image while Screen drops out all black (the yin and yan symbol is those black and white intertwined teardrop looking thingies)
Note: You could also try setting the blend mode to Overlay instead of Screen. It gives a little more transparent look but since I want a good bit of glare, Screen works better here. If you were doing say a fishbowl sitting on a counter, Overlay may suit you better.
Ok, that got me a little more green but I wasn't satisfied with the result. I created a new layer at the top-used the command+click trick in the layer icon of the bottle to get a selection in the shape of the bottle and filled it with a teal color. I then changed the layer mode to Soft Light and lowered the opacity down to 70%-now we're getting somewhere.
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