One of the question that almost everyone starts
asking after working hard for days and nights by
writing tons of
articles online. Why should your blog make money? Why should
advertisers sponsor it? What have you got in your content that will
provide potential return to advertisers? Why should someone buy an ad
spot on your blog? Are you receiving good page views? What is handsome
traffic in numbers for you? Do you have readership power? How many
people actually re-share your content? How active are your daily
readers, do they shop online? Which country brings you a lot of traffic?
Forget about PageRank, whats your Alexa? A lot of questions that
can be asked from people who just stepped into blogging and all these
questions have logical answers. I have observed new enthusiastic people
rapidly turning their attention to this beautiful art of writing and
earning online. Yes without any doubts, blogs do make money and they
drive hell lot of traffic but if that is the case then why aren't
everyone becoming a millionaire? The secret lies in a sensible traffic
formula and understanding search engine optimization strategies, the
sooner you know it, the better it gets.
These series in no way highlight me as a Pro Blogger. I prefer the
title of a peanut blogger and would remain and live so always.
Pro Blogging SERIES
Part1: What skills are needed by a Professional Blogger?
Part2: "Three Learning Stages" To Become a Professional Blogger
Part3: Why Your Blog Makes No Money?
Part4: How Come Web Development is the Key To Become SIX FIGURE Blogger?
Internet Users Turning Into Content
everywhere around the world has realized the importance of education.
Literacy rate is growing at an alarming rate producing brilliant authors
every single second. Every good writer wants to turn his writing skills
into cash. Some try their luck as freelancers whilst others in search
of their own unique identity choose blogging as a long term goal.
Netcraft, which is an Internet monitoring company, reported in 2007 that
there were 106,875,138 Web sites with domain names and content on them
in 2007, compared to just 18,000 Web sites in August 1995. Billions of
webpages are published every day within 24 hours, making the competition
online tougher every second. Can you expect to survive as a new content publisher amongst already existing giants?
you can! Internet traffic is like a hungry whale eating everything
coming in its way. The only difference is that are you providing a
smooth path for search engines to come and value what you publish? I
guess I have asked enough questions, its time to solve some mysteries
and bust some widely popular myths online.
Three Fundamental Tips To Succeed As Blogger
(1) Patience and Dedication
first lesson that I learnt in my school economic classes was that the
success of a good businessman lies in investing power. Those who step
into business today and expect profit in material form tomorrow, are the
first to badly end their endeavors. Hopelessness and frustration
accompany you when you expect a lot. Why should you receive tons of
traffic daily when you have not invested at all? Pro bloggers that you
hear of daily were lucky champs who started blogging 10 years ago. Every
single blogging ICON today has written around thousands of quality
articles online and these articles were a smart investment that today
generates them revenue in hundreds of dollars via Ad impressions.
don't need to write 1000 of articles to reach a stable stage and work
hard too much, what you need to do is answer the call of internet. Stick
to your topic and don't deviate. Work hard for continuous six months
and your targets should be the following:
- Write at least one post per day. My personal recommendation would be 2-3 posts per day. Hire authors just like me if you cant do it alone.
- Write on social media to boost your traffic. Always write on latest updates related to social media networking sites and keep social media as a for granted part of your blog no matter what your niche may be.
- Keep track of updates related to your niche and provide readers with something new. Act like a journalist, hear it first and share it first.
- Keep post length to a minimum of 500 words and post title limit to 65-70 characters
- Post at a fixed time and don't just push the publish button anytime you want. Alexa Rank improves only when you fix your posting time. Keep note of every minute. Keep an interval of 7-13 minutes between your posts. Keep timing odd always.
- For improving PageRank do not waste time by commenting on every forum and blog, do Guest posting. There are several high PR blogs that accept guest posts. Search for the list of High PageRank blogs that accept guest posts.
- Keep Adsense away for six months! Adsense is useless when your traffic is less than 500 unique visitors/day. Add it only once you cross the stage#1 of blogging.
- Add social networking buttons on your blog, Add likebox, twiiter follow button and Google Plus sharing widgets on your blog. Keep your sidebar as clean as possible and wait and watch.
- The only motivation for you should be improved Alexa Rank daily. If your Alexa is not improving then you need to change your posting time. Post at midnights if you live in Asia. You must achieve 20-10K Alexa Rank Within this six months investing period. Remember you are investing in terms of patience and dedication.
- Apply SEO PACK to your blog, no matter you use Wordpress or blogger.
(2) Learn and Keep exploring Skills
is a difference between a normal essay writer, journalist and a
blogger. The aim of blogger should not be to write well polished posts
with high-fi vocab instead he should write well optimized posts using
SEO techniques. Avoid use of strong English with idioms, complex
phrases, clichés, metaphors and instead adopt a simple and easy to
understand style. Simple English is what that attracts both visitors and
search engine robot hits. Learn baics of search engine optimization
related to the platform you are using. Don't apply every SEO tip that
you learn online. You must follow people who share tutorials related to
the platform you are using.
If you are a blogger user or wordpress user than the following tutorials are what you need:
- How to become a Pro Blogger? (Current)
- Blogger SEO PACK Series 2012
- Complete List of Blog SEO - 13 killer tutorials
- 100 Best Tips given by Professional Bloggers To Drive Traffic To a Blog
- 20 Guru Tips To Drive Traffic
- 3 Reasons why your PageRank is not increasing
- How To Find Sponsors for your blog?
(3) Avoid the unavoidable
need to understand the value of your time online. Every hour is
precious in life and time turns productive only when you filter the
obstacles. Do this to keep ideas flooding in your mind and in order to
protect yourself from distraction
- Delete your Facebook Account permanently and do not use any social media network as personal profile. Use them for blog promotion only. Today the first website I visit is my blog and lots of posts are waiting in queue to be published while back in the start of 2011, the first website I used to visit was Facebook and I would always find myself with no unique ideas in mind because I had become an addict who was always looking into personal lives of other people with no objective for his own life. The day I left Facebook, I discovered what true life is and how dreams could be turned into reality.
- Avoid listening to the tips shared by story tellers. Story tellers are people who are well established online and they always force you in accepting them as role models. These stereotype people online often pretend to be role models and give you a believe to trust them with everything they share. There tips to be honest often lack practicality. The reason behind their success is that they are well educated actors with accidental achievements in life. If you really want to push ahead then avoid the shortcuts that they provide. Whether they may be pro bloggers or Internet Marketers, they only aim at building their email lists in order to keep rolling their marketing strategies that keep fooling people the way they did you. Please read this article to open your eyes:
- 5 Tips To Destroy your Blogging Career
3. Do not Display your subscriber or fan followers count unless you
get at least 100 subscribers or 100 followers from any social media
network you use. Low followers count often discourage new visitors from
subscribing and thus readership to grow.
4. Act like a professional and give an impression like you are not the
only one running the blog. Avoid the word "I" and prefer using "We"
5. Check your analytics report only once a week and not every day.
Human mind is very sensitive. sometimes a drop in traffic often disturb a
lot. Therefore in order to keep your mind fresh and away from
distraction, you may check your website stats only once a week to see
the result of your one week hard work. Daily checkup of stats will often
distract your mind and can disappoint you too.
6. Do not waste time commenting on blogs and forums unless you need
help. In order to receive rich backlinks the best you can is to Write at
most one quality guest post once or twice a month at a a well
established blog that may accept guest posts. You don't need to be
someone big in order to qualify for guest posting. As long as your guest
post offers some value to Admin readers it will never be rejected. In
order to qualify for guest post the best strategy is to keep its length
as high as possible. Generally guest posts that share top20 tips, tech
gadgets or tools are always accepted. Therefore write one good guest
post daily to ensure build up backlinks at an early stage. Remember this
applies to Bloggers of Stage#1 only. Stage#2 bloggers may focus on
their blog.
In short in
order to make potential revenue out of your blog, you must keep posting
daily. For a maximum boost in traffic and revenue writing two quality
posts per day play wonders for Stage#1 bloggers. Stage#2 bloggers are
also bound to post at least once a day. When writing a new post think at
least for 5 minutes to give your post a better optimized title and keep
opening paragraph rich with keywords. Apply social media plugins to
blog, answer readers regularly and write on latest updates. Nothing
works like magic than sharing updates on social media and technology. I
will be completing this series very soon. I just hope this ongoing help
may prove beneficial to most of you. I am sharing my personal
experiences and formulas here, sharing everything I learnt sop far. I
hope this small effort from this little blog may educate newbie bloggers
in a more correct way, guiding them to true webmaster strategies. Peace
and blessings pals! :)
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