Thursday, 22 August 2013

Posted by Unknown On Thursday, August 22, 2013

Welcome Back icon smile What is MLM or What is Multi Level Marketing [Article II]
This Article is in continuation to the last one, i.e. – What is MLM or What is Multi Level Marketing. Where I shared about how MLM / Multi Level Marketing business model is beneficial for both Companies & Customers. If you have not yet read the previous article, you can read it here: What is MLM or What is Multi Level Marketing.
In this article I will share about how MLM / Multi Level Marketing business model works.

MLM / Multi Level Marketing Business Model

In MLM / Multi Level Marketing when a person purchases the product from an Independent Representation (IR) of the company, on purchase that person gets the Distribution Rights for the products. And when he further promotes the products, or you can say when the sale for the company happens because of that person, company shares some part of the profit with him.
MLM / Multi Level Marketing business model have various Incomes, like when you introduce a person you get certain amount. Generally this is termed as “Direct Bonus”. Then on further product promotion to few more people you get some amount. Thereafter when the people who gets in your Team / in your organization, when they further promotes the product of the company, that person also makes money because of whom product for the company got sold & because that person is in your Team / Organization, company even shares the profit with You as well, this is called Team Income. And once you have a Big Team, you can expect some crazy money on regular bases. That’s the power of MLM / Multi Level Marketing Business.
Following images depicts how a MLM / Multi Level Marketing business model looks like:
MLM Multi Level Marketing business model What is MLM or What is Multi Level Marketing [Article II]
As shown in the above structure, that’s how the placements are made in the MLM / Multi Level Marketing business model. Now if you are thinking about making chains, members, pyramids, etc. Then what will you say about this:
It’s the graphical representation & whatever structure you make on paper it will look like this.
MLM Multi Level Marketing business model 2 What is MLM or What is Multi Level Marketing [Article II]
The most important thing about MLM / Multi Level Marketing business model is that you can have hundreds & thousands of people or even more working for you, with you. Without you paying them salary & you get the benefit of their Time, Effort & Skill. And that’s the way to make Big time Money, when you have people working with you.
Important: Read this article to know more about MLM / Multi Level Marketing.

To Conclude

MLM / Multi Level Marketing is a simply way of promoting the products of a company. Company don’t had to spend on advertisements & a person because of whom the product gets sold company simply pay him & people associated with him, as per the predefined business model.
MLM / Multi Level Marketing business model has been defined the best business model by Top Economist & Financial Advisor – Mr.Robert Kiyosaki, for a Common Man for achieving Financial Freedom.

What is MLM or What is Multi Level Marketing [Article II]

What is MLM or What is Multi Level Marketing [Article II] What is MLM or What is Multi Level Marketing [Article II] What is MLM or What is Multi Level Marketing [Article II] What is MLM or What is Multi Level Marketing [Article II]

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Amazing content i did not see before thanks..
Naeem Sagar
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