Saturday 7 December 2013

Posted by Unknown On Saturday, December 07, 2013

Image SEO Optimization – Improve your search rankings

wordpress seo image

People are finding my blog from my images!
Yes that’s right. Although my content rocks, and my pages are SEO optimized, a lot of hits are coming from Google Image Search.
I knew seo optimization for images was important, but until now I had not taken the time to look into it.
So now I have. And you can benefit from all my new-found-wisdom.
Below I will fill you in on all the details about optimizing images for SEO.
Don’t miss out on easy SEO oppotunities! Your site is full of images.

Image SEO Optimization Factors

The most important parts of Image SEO optimization are the image filename and the alt tag on your page.

wordpress seo image
Image Filename

As strange as it might seem, the filename plays a role in Image SEO.
So please PAY ATTENTION to the following filename pointers!
  1. Don’t  use just one word (or words together) to name your image files
  2. Name/Describe the image well
  3. Uses dashes/hyphens not underscores or pluses, to separate the words in the filename –
A small detail about point 3:  Google sees dashes as word separators, and underscores as joiners so to Google: -
  • Mad-Lemmings = Mad Lemmings
  • Mad_Lemmings = MadLemmings

The Alt Tag

It’s ok if you don’t know what an Alt tag is, let me explain.
The alt tag is part of the image HTML tag. Here is an example
<img alt=”filing cabinet in row” src=”” >
It gives a description of the image to display if the image is not available OR if a text reader is used (like for vision impaired people – images are not shown to them obviously!).
But more importantly for the SEO and  images:
It is also used by Google to find out what your image is about.
So it provides keyword relevance to search, and helps rank your images on search result pages (SERP).
So what should we put in the alt tag of an image?
  • Limit the text to 150 characters or less (the rest might not be read by the search engines)
  • Put keywords more towards the beginning
  • Try to write a relevant description which is also related to the page (if possible)
  • Always use the alt attribute for images you want indexed in search engines (ie. images used in your sites background/construction etc can be ignored)
The following is an Alt tag checker for checking your webpages to ensure you have them.
 The Title
This is an other attribute of the Image HTML tag that you can use to provide image information.
Most browsers use this instead of the Alt text to display to the user when you put your mouse over an image.
According to many gurus like SEO Moz, it has no SEO impact.
However, for your user’s sake it is best to have both the alt and title attributes.

The Description

Some people have asked about this once I posted this on my blog, so this is what I have found on Google
The Description will appear on the Permalink page of the image in the Media Library. See FAQ on Worpdress
If your uploaded image is used in a Gallery, the Description is what will appear on the Attachment page.
So in my opinion, the description field is something you can forget about in most cases

wordpress seo image
WordPress Image SEO

If you use WordPress like me, the following will show you how to fill in the above attributes for your images (alt and title).
On the right you will see one of the two places you can fill in the Alt and Title fields in WordPress.
I have highlighted these fields in red, along with the image filename.
** Notice the image name has dashes between the words. If yours does not, re-upload it after changing the name. There is no way to do this inside WordPress that I know of.
So if you just want to display an image (without Caption) the fields I have filled in (inside the red boxes) are the two you need to take care of each time you use an image to SEO optimize images.
Note: I have noticed WordPress often ignores the title text you fill in when you upload the image. You need to edit the image inside you post and add it again for it to be added.
WordPress Plugin for Image SEO Optimization
I don’t use a plugin for editing these attributes of my images because it is so simple to do it yourself (as shown above).
However, if you want a little extra help, this plugin is something I have found that might help. Let me know if it’s any good :>

Other Image SEO Factors

Anchor text

This is the text that is used for displaying a link.
The same is true when you want to link to an image (because you can link directly to the image’s URL).
Linking to images is not done very often, however if you want to reuse an image or create backlinks for image SEO it is worth considering.
  • The richer the link anchor text, the better the image will rank in search engines.
  • It is also worth varying it for each link. (ie change the link text)


For those of you who manually create your sitemap xml, this is something to take into consideration
Search engines index your images, so make sure important images are included in your sitemap.
You will need to ensure special tags for the images are included in your main sitemap, or you can create a special image sitemap.
Here is Google’s answer on image sitemap if you need more help.


Image SEO and optimization is another important way to get more traffic to your site.
Optimize image SEO by adding the right Alt text and optimizing the filename with dashes between the words.
Further improvements can be made with the Title text and the images themselves (size, compression etc).
SEO Image Optimization is something you should be doing NOW!
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Image SEO Optimization – Improve your search rankings

Image SEO Optimization – Improve your search rankings Image SEO Optimization – Improve your search rankings Image SEO Optimization – Improve your search rankings Image SEO Optimization – Improve your search rankings

you are reading : Image SEO Optimization – Improve your search rankings

Amazing content i did not see before thanks..
Naeem Sagar
Date published: 10/13/2015
4.8 / 5 stars


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