In network marketing business everyday you need to present your business to new prospects & it’s highly important that you should be able to give business presentation in effective manner. Effective presentation can help the prospect take the decision immediately.
Remember when you go to a restaurant & the way the food is served with beautiful decoration & more appetizing appearance means more anticipation up to/during eating, more satisfaction & more enjoyment
Ingredients of effective presentation
Greet the prospect warmly
As soon as your prospect arrives SMILE and shake hand. A smile can set the tone for rest of the meeting. Greet the prospect with Hi/Hello/how are you, ask them if they found the meeting venue easily, ask them for water.
Opening (Find & press the Hot button of the Prospect) – “Opening defines Closing”
Once the prospect settles down, start with a general talk. Know him better before business presentation, build a rapport with your prospect.
F: Family chit chat
O: Occupation
R: Recreation
M: Message
Talk about from where prospect belongs? Who all are there in his family? What exactly is his profession? His role there? Always appreciate the profession, don’t condemn to start with, how he likes spending his free time? Then brief him little bit about the opportunity you are about to share with him.
Tell about yourself as well, your professional life apart from network marketing business & why you are in network marketing business & what you are liking about it. Make the conversation as a casual talk, it should not be like an interview.
The main motive of the Opening talk before business presentation is to find the Hot button of the prospect, while talking with him you need to find what can be the compelling reason for you prospect to join your business. Once you know the hot button of the prospect you can give the business presentation accordingly & make it an effective presentation.
In case you will be asking your senior upline or someone else to share the business presentation then you MUST EDIFY the presenter. Edification if very important. It means creating the Hype! You need to tell about the professional background of the presenter, his achievements in the network marketing business & tell the prospect you have taken special time for him(presenter) for him. And what the presenter will be sharing today can change your life, hence listen to the presenter very very carefully. This will surely help the presenter in giving the effective presentation as by this time the prospect is more than ready & curious to listen to what the presenter has to say.
If you will be sharing the presentation, then obviously you cannot edify yourself so let’s move ahead ..
Start the Presentation
Ask the prospect to switch off or put his mobile on atleast silent mode, ask the prospect to be mentally there, be open minded to understand what you will are about to share. This has to be done just to create the Value for the business. Now as all is set, without wasting any time you can start with the presentation.
Pointers that will help you deliver Killer Business presentation
- Sit with your Prospect during business presentation & make all notes.
- While giving business presentation if prospect ask’s any questions, don’t answer any queries in between the business presentation, rather ask him to note down the queries & resolve all queries after the business presentation is complete. Else the presentation will turn into discussion & it won’t be effective presentation & you will loose the control of the presentation.
- STP is not a formality, hence you must give it with EXCITEMENT & 100% Effort, Remember: The Prospect is seeing this Presentation for the 1st Time. So give your best.
- During 1 on 1 / Home / Group presentations maintain eye contact with the Prospect.
- Make the environment light, give a in between.
- Talk with CONFIDENCE (highly important)
- Must finish your Presentation within maximum 40 minutes, else the prospects get bored & lose the interest.
- Don’t try to Convince the Prospect, just SHARE.
- During the business presentation PLEASE don’t run here & there. This is devaluing the system & even disturbs both presenter & the prospect.
- You should not DO In & Out of meeting place / pick up your Phone calls (unless it’s highly urgent) / start explaining yourself during business presentation is going on.
- ALWAYS Dress Professionally if you are the Presenter for the day, otherwise as well it’s important to dress nicely.
- Don’t be offensive to the Prospect, if he talk any negative stuff.
- Reach Venue of business presentation on time or even before time with all required tools (paper, pen, lappie, etc.)
- After finishing the business presentation, Edify your Senior & let him do the closing & don’t speak in between, Trust your upline.
- After business presentation, your upline does the closing, in case the prospect doesn’t join immediately, again talk/spend some time with your prospect.
Even after giving the effective presentation mostly you need to do the objection handling, i.e. resolving the queries raised by the prospect. Read Here about MLM Objection Handling.In my next article I will share the techniques that I use during closing
To Conclude
Giving effective presentation is not only about starting the business presentation as soon as your prospect comes, rather it’s very important to know him first, building rapport with him. While talking with him, find out what can be the compelling reason for him & deliver the presentation accordingly, followed by effective objection handling.
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